Sunday, July 26, 2015

Perks of Being Best Friends With Your Roommate

When you are both supposed to be watching a TV series together on Netflix and you find out they skipped ahead.

                                                                           Hey, it happens.




When they accidentally bring up a scene you haven't seen yet.

But seriously, shut up.

Asking, "Is My 600 Pound Life on Netflix?"

Because what's better than realizing gaining the freshman 15 (or 20) isn't so bad after all? 

     "What about My Strange Addiction?"

                              College could be worse right? You could be addicted to eating eye shadow or laundry detergent.

                     Avoiding homework usually means online shopping.

                                                                       Eating for the rest of the month < Shoes

                                                  Bringing home surprises for each other. 

                                                       Most of the time just because.



                                                                                                 When you're getting ready to go out together.  

                                            Because when you're wearing black, you mean business.

                                        When you travel together.

                                         When you feel like first class but are actually coach.

                                   When you were BOTH THINKING THE SAME THING


                         When you google 'does burping burn calories?' and the answer is no

                             "but I feel like they do"

                       Throwing karaoke parties in your dorm.

                      With just two people.

                      When you get in trouble for loud music in the shower 

                     There are just some songs you have to belt.

If they haven't already, these things are bound to happen to you at college, but let's face it... we couldn't survive one minute without our room mate wiping our tears as we bawl during the season finale of One Tree Hill, or being there to blast Shake That by Eminem in the community showers and belting every single lyric (appropriate or not). 

With lol (lots of love) straight from Minneapolis, Minnesota and Orange County, California
     L & S 


Hello blog!
     Syd & I aren't sure how many people are following our blog or are interested but stay tuned because in t-33 days WE WILL BE REUNITED and back in action. I can't speak for Sydney, but I can say that my summer has pretty much been filled with thoughts about returning back to school and getting into all kinds of adventures with my room mate and best friend again!
    In the meantime I will try to come up with something fun just to get you through this next month until your back at school and tearin' it up!

Here's a couple tips for you first years:
1. For those of you who knew your room mate before college: be EXTRA mindful of their body language and how they act in certain situations. Being acquaintances or even friends doesn't even come close to living with someone in a 15x12 room, 24/7 for 9 months. So pay attention, be willing to compromise, and listen to what your room mate has to say, even if it's not nice sometimes (Who could blame her? She is living in a small room that counts as her bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and study area and not to mention she's sharing it all with you).

2. For those of you who know absolutely nothing about your room mate going into college: spend time with her and get to know her! Not everyone is as lucky as Syd & I are to become best friends with their room mate but keep in mind "BE CIVIL," even if you aren't the best of friends you are STILL LIVING WITH THEM. Respect their boundaries, have open communication and don't make a mistake that could cost you from enjoying the rest of your freshman year!

3. There's only one way to put this, UPPERCLASSMEN ARE NOT THINKING ABOUT FRESHMEN AS MUCH AS FRESHMEN THINK THEY'RE THINKING ABOUT THEM. Don't be afraid of introducing yourself in your classes and to people you see around campus frequently. Who cares if they're not in your grade? Odds are they don't mind talking to new people or being friendly (besides it does not hurt to make friends with upperclassmen in your classes- they've been at this whole college thing longer than you have and they'll probably have some great tips, and by "great tips" I mean what professors to take and not to take, obviously). * DISCLAIMER* If you happen to introduce yourself to an upperclassmen who is not friendly, then I'm sorry but like I said "the odds are," it's inevitable that this might happen to some of you. You have to play the odds.

That's it for now. Keep in touch and stay tuned for more to come!

With LOL (lots of love)
            L & S