Sunday, July 26, 2015

Perks of Being Best Friends With Your Roommate

When you are both supposed to be watching a TV series together on Netflix and you find out they skipped ahead.

                                                                           Hey, it happens.




When they accidentally bring up a scene you haven't seen yet.

But seriously, shut up.

Asking, "Is My 600 Pound Life on Netflix?"

Because what's better than realizing gaining the freshman 15 (or 20) isn't so bad after all? 

     "What about My Strange Addiction?"

                              College could be worse right? You could be addicted to eating eye shadow or laundry detergent.

                     Avoiding homework usually means online shopping.

                                                                       Eating for the rest of the month < Shoes

                                                  Bringing home surprises for each other. 

                                                       Most of the time just because.



                                                                                                 When you're getting ready to go out together.  

                                            Because when you're wearing black, you mean business.

                                        When you travel together.

                                         When you feel like first class but are actually coach.

                                   When you were BOTH THINKING THE SAME THING


                         When you google 'does burping burn calories?' and the answer is no

                             "but I feel like they do"

                       Throwing karaoke parties in your dorm.

                      With just two people.

                      When you get in trouble for loud music in the shower 

                     There are just some songs you have to belt.

If they haven't already, these things are bound to happen to you at college, but let's face it... we couldn't survive one minute without our room mate wiping our tears as we bawl during the season finale of One Tree Hill, or being there to blast Shake That by Eminem in the community showers and belting every single lyric (appropriate or not). 

With lol (lots of love) straight from Minneapolis, Minnesota and Orange County, California
     L & S 


Hello blog!
     Syd & I aren't sure how many people are following our blog or are interested but stay tuned because in t-33 days WE WILL BE REUNITED and back in action. I can't speak for Sydney, but I can say that my summer has pretty much been filled with thoughts about returning back to school and getting into all kinds of adventures with my room mate and best friend again!
    In the meantime I will try to come up with something fun just to get you through this next month until your back at school and tearin' it up!

Here's a couple tips for you first years:
1. For those of you who knew your room mate before college: be EXTRA mindful of their body language and how they act in certain situations. Being acquaintances or even friends doesn't even come close to living with someone in a 15x12 room, 24/7 for 9 months. So pay attention, be willing to compromise, and listen to what your room mate has to say, even if it's not nice sometimes (Who could blame her? She is living in a small room that counts as her bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and study area and not to mention she's sharing it all with you).

2. For those of you who know absolutely nothing about your room mate going into college: spend time with her and get to know her! Not everyone is as lucky as Syd & I are to become best friends with their room mate but keep in mind "BE CIVIL," even if you aren't the best of friends you are STILL LIVING WITH THEM. Respect their boundaries, have open communication and don't make a mistake that could cost you from enjoying the rest of your freshman year!

3. There's only one way to put this, UPPERCLASSMEN ARE NOT THINKING ABOUT FRESHMEN AS MUCH AS FRESHMEN THINK THEY'RE THINKING ABOUT THEM. Don't be afraid of introducing yourself in your classes and to people you see around campus frequently. Who cares if they're not in your grade? Odds are they don't mind talking to new people or being friendly (besides it does not hurt to make friends with upperclassmen in your classes- they've been at this whole college thing longer than you have and they'll probably have some great tips, and by "great tips" I mean what professors to take and not to take, obviously). * DISCLAIMER* If you happen to introduce yourself to an upperclassmen who is not friendly, then I'm sorry but like I said "the odds are," it's inevitable that this might happen to some of you. You have to play the odds.

That's it for now. Keep in touch and stay tuned for more to come!

With LOL (lots of love)
            L & S

Friday, March 6, 2015

"In Los Angeles, everyone's a star."

     We started off by using our coupon for a free Lemonade drink. Heading to Balboa Pier in Newport, we were excited to get toe rings, but upset to find out the boutique was closed. We made our way back to Costa Mesa for lunch at Seasons 52 where we ordered salmon and filet dishes. The food was great but the dessert was even better! 
      We went back home to catch up on Netflix and then picked up Lucy's grandma to take her to an In-N-Out dinner where Syd ate her first In-N-Out burger and milkshake! We were so stuffed we went home and went to bed early. 
L & S

Free Lemonade Drink!

Roaming around Fashion Island

Impatiently waiting for our food

Seasons 52
Syd ordered: Filet with mashed potatoes and baby broccoli 
Luc ordered: Cedar plank roasted salmon with carrots, asparagus, & potatoes
For dessert
Syd ordered: S'mores crumble
Luc ordered: Pecan crumble

 SYD'S FIRST IN-N-OUT BURGER!!!! (Lucy forced the hat pic)

     Syd lost her credit card and had to make the dreaded phone call to her mom who was not pleased. 
  We woke up early to make the most out of our day in Los Angeles. By the time we arrived we were starving so we made a quick stop at Urth Cafe, (a certified organic restaurant that offers coffees, teas, sandwiches, salads etc... guaranteed to be grown 100% chemical free).           
      We drove to Rodeo Drive where we window shopped at all of the designer stores. Close by was a Sprinkles where we treated ourselves to red velvet cupcakes (Lucy even bought a doggy cupcake for her dog). After cupcakes Syd stopped for gelato where they designed a rose shaped gelato cone. 
     Finishing up our time in LA, we visited LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and found multiple photo opps in the various sculptures. 
     Hitting traffic on the way home, we had no time to stop and rest but headed straight to dinner with Lucy's Godmother at The Cheesecake Factory. We each ordered delicious entrees and desserts and were more than satisfied after finishing. Deciding we needed to catch up on our blog, we headed to Starbucks for wifi. 

Urth Cafe
Syd ordered: Chicken pesto sandwich with a side salad
Luc ordered: Caprese sandwich with a side salad and a blended coffee

Rodeo Drive

Syd's Authentic Italian gelato

Our LACMA adventures

 Dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (Thanks Mrs. Maiorano!)
Syd ordered: chicken di pena 
Luc ordered: angel hair with shrimp


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Catching Up

     We woke up to pack up our suitcases and headed out for our last day in San Francisco. Like every other morning we got our Starbucks before conquering just about every store in the city. We spent a bit of time in Nordstrom Rack before going to the famous Rotunda Cafe in Neiman Marcus where we purchased a cookie box (jewelry box with espresso homemade cookies), and croissants with strawberry butter.  
     Next up was Escape Alcatraz (an interactive game filled with problem solving, clues, riddles etc...). Our first mistake was letting a stranger handcuff us to a pipe inside a jail cell. Our second mistake was us paying him to do it. Within about fifteen minutes, we were still handcuffed and had run out of ideas. After sixty minutes we had conquered the cell, the doctor's office, and the dentist's office and were just about to "escape Alcatraz" when we ran out of time. 
     We decided it was best (knowing us) to give ourselves some extra time to get to the airport. Good thing we did. Taking the wrong form of transportation it took us over an hour and a half to reach the airport instead of twenty minutes. We sprinted to check in our bags and then ran through security, barely making it to our gate in time. Lucy's parents were waiting at the baggage claim, festive balloons in hand, welcoming us to Orange County. 
L & S

Welcome balloons.

    We rewarded ourselves with much deserved sleep until 11:00a. Still in bed we decided that this day would be an easy one. We started off with The Orange Circle, one of the oldest historical locations of Orange. There we strolled through vintage antiques shops, record stores, and Starbucks for about an hour and half. 
    We cruised through surrounding neighborhoods to take a look at the different architectures and the amazing views that the homes had up on top of hills. Through winding and narrow roads we caught glimpses of mountains, sunsets, and beautiful houses.
     Thinking a reservation was unnecessary for Rainforest Cafe, we showed up having to wait forty-five minutes for a table. We quickly ordered and inhaled our overpriced cheeseburgers. Overestimating how much we could eat, we ordered a volcano (brownies with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream). After demolishing all of it, we were so stuffed we could barely walk back to our car and when we got home we immediately crashed into bed to sleep off our sugar comas. 

Antique Garden in The Circle

Volcano: Before

Volcano: After...(12 pounds later) 

Rainforest Cafe

     Sleeping in again, we woke up ready to get outside and start off our day. We drove to Fashion Island for lunch at Lemonade and afterwards played with puppies in Russo's Pet store. 
     Next we drove up to Crystal Cove State Park to go on a 4.89 mile hike (which felt like 20). We hiked up steep hills but the view was worth it. We were so tired we forgot to take a picture at the top but we were excited to start seeing all downhills. Afterwards we stopped by a local farmer's market in Laguna Beach to purchase Cookie Dough Cafe edible cookie dough to celebrate making it out of the hike alive. 
     We ate dinner at home and headed to visit Lucy's sister. 


View from Crystal Cove hike. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Dolce Amore = Sweet Love

     Waking up at 9:00am, we expected this morning to go smoothly...but with us that's never the case, we immediately ran into problems. We reviewed our card transactions expecting no issues, Lucy noticed an unauthorized transaction for.... Christian Mingle. She called her bank and immediately had her card closed out, the operator mentioned that it was ironic that out of all the fraudulent possibilities, a christian stole her card. Her card being her only form of payment, we had to go out of our way in order to withdraw all of her money. 
     After this delay in plans, we headed to brunch at Dolce Amore. We were immediately enticed by all the delicious menu options (crepes, pastries, gelato, macaroons etc...). We licked our plates clean and caught an uber to the Palace of Fine Arts. 
     With amazing European architecture, the Palace of Fine Arts was crawling with photo opps and plenty of wildlife, ponds, and tourists. Being irritated with the complicated bus systems we caught another uber back to the hotel. Exhausted from today's escapades we rested for a bit and then tried the bus thing again, this time to the Heart of the City Farmer's Market. 
     Missing our bus stop we walked four blocks and witnessed an arrest for theft on our way back to the Farmer's Market. Getting there 20 minutes before closing all vendors were already packing up and we missed our only chance. We caught another bus back and luckily this time we knew where our stop was. After browsing around for a bit in Neiman Marcus Last Call, Marshall's, and Forever XXI, we headed to Pier 39 for dinner and ordered burgers and dessert at the Hard Rock Cafe. 
   Next up was the laser challenge. We opted instead for the zombie apocalypse virtual shooting experience and even stayed after for another virtual monster theatre shooting game. At ten o'clock we caught an uber back to our hotel where we winded down and reminisced on our eventful day. 
L & S

Brunch at Dolce Amore 

Syd ordered: Signature French Toast & a Breakfast Pastry with a Cafe Mocha Frappe 
Lucy ordered: Hazelnut crepe with a Cafe Mocha Frappe

Palace of Fine Arts

Heart of the City Farmer's Market

Tickets to Zombie Shootout